Care Coordination

An essential element of the Medical Home is Care Coordination for patients and their families. At Bramblebush Pediatrics, we designed our care coordination plan to be adaptable and responsive to the dynamic needs of patients and families; one that is capable of evolving as our practice’s Medical Home develops and comes to define itself. Our care coordination plan was designed with five goals in mind:

  1. The practice connects patients and families with external resources helpful in managing disease and/or promoting wellness.
  2. The practice coordinates services for their patients across the health care continuum.
  3. The practice promotes family and patient education/outreach by identifying and maintaining a supply of educational resources for our patients.
  4. The practice promotes assessment of patient/family needs and care planning.
  5. The practice uses population data to improve quality of care using our EMR to monitor disease management and plan quality improvement efforts.

If you have a child with a chronic medical condition or a special health care need, please feel free to contact our care coordinator, or ask to meet with her next time you are in the office.